I’m Having a Spiritual Glow Up
Feb 20, 2023
This post is about me having a spiritual glow up. If you like this, make sure to jump into my free Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, BTS moments, what I’m currently working on/going through, and free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business.
Follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey!
PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support - I have a 4 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.
I’ve been spending the last 3 weeks in more presence and stillness and have been working on cultivating a deeper connection with my intuition.
The thing is = you are ALWAYS being guided and there are messages literally EVERYWHERE for you.
In the past few weeks I finally started talking to my guides. I told them I was ready for them to come in and intervene in my life.
I started asking for help. I started asking more questions. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if they were even there, lol.
But I finally started paying attention after years of never wanting to slow down and always wanting to keep “busy.” Never making time for meditation or stillness.
And the signs and synchronicities lead me to booking a trip to EGYPT. So your girl snagged the last round trip business class flight with points, YAY! And I’ll be going in March.
If you’re wanting to cultivate a relationship with your guides and your intuition, you literally just have to ask.
Share your problem with your spirit team. THEN actively LISTEN.
But it doesn’t have to come in any one way shape or form.
The universe communicates w/ you in many different ways.
The butterfly that flutters across your path on your walk through nature. In the silent whispers between your thoughts as you slow down. In the random podcast episode you download or in a conversation with a friend.
The universe is always speaking to you. All you have to do is practice more awareness and turn the dial up on your presence.
It’s about turning down the overthinking and the mind chatter and practicing opening up your awareness more.
✔️I’ve been implementing meditation 2X/Day
✔️Taking more pauses and deeper breaths throughout the day
✔️Making sure to be in nature as often as possible (and leaving my phone at home)
✔️Turning off the lights at night and lighting candles and just being with myself.
This was the kind of stuff I NEVER wanted to do.
But lately I’ve been having so much clarity, noticing the signs all around me, and it’s helped me connect more deeply with my spiritual self which I had been repressing for so long.
The spiritual glow up is a vibe ❤️❤️🔥
I just had a new podcast episode drop all about Embracing Beauty & How I’m Romanticizing my life lately.
In this episode we cover:
➝ What does it mean to “romanticize” your life?
➝ My top favorite ways you can start romanticizing your life now as it relates to your health, business, lifestyle + relationships
➝ Embracing wealth as a state of being
If you're desiring to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE, master your mindset, and manifest more success in your life + biz, I have a couple of spaces open inside of my 2 month 1:1 Accelerator container, Vitality.
End the year with a bang while feeling ALIVE and ON PURPOSE.
Through NLP/Subconscious Belief work, Success Coaching, and practical business strategy on messaging and visibility, plus getting clear on your MISSION and the change you're here to see in the world, you will THRIVE.
DM on IG @thefemme_ceo to lean in and claim your spot.
Did this blog post help? DM me on IG and say hey gorgeous and tell me what you loved! @thefemme_ceo
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Connect & Work with Laura:
→ Join The Femme Club, a Free Telegram Community full of trainings, advice, and BTS moments for women ready to manifest real success in life + biz: www.lauraniese.com/telegramsignup
→ Vedic Astrology Reading as Mentioned in the Episode: https://www.instagram.com/kenreadsjyotish
→ APPLY for Ascension Mastermind: www.lauraniese.com/ascensionmastermind
→ Connect on IG @thefemme_ceo
→ VITALITY VOXER 2 MONTH MENTORSHIP Please click the link to complete this form.