Should you sell EVERY DAY in your content?
Feb 01, 2023
This post is about whether you should sell every day in your content. If you like this, make sure to jump into my free VIBEY Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business. You can also follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey! PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support - I have a 5 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. If you’re looking for year-long inspiration and mentorship, I have a year long experience called Becoming where you get access to ALL of my programs, a private Telegram community for sisterhood, AND monthly group biz Q+A sessions. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.
Hey, gorgeous souls!
Welcome back to Radiant and Rich.
I'm your host, Laura Niese, teaching you how to create your most Lux freedom based life.
So today, I have a super juicy episode for you. It's going to be just a little Friday quickie sesh.
But first, I'm going to give you a little bit of a femme life update.
So we're going to Hawaii next week. For an entire week we're going to Hawaii. I'm super freaking excited.
Like I've never been to Hawaii, it's always been one of my bucket list things to do.
Stay tuned to my Instagram stories for that. And yeah, we leave literally in three days. I'm already packed, I'm already ready to go.
Today's a goddess day.
I'm going to get my eyelashes done, which oh my god, eyelashes here in Australia are like 230 Australian dollars versus in Bali it's $20. So I'm looking at this habit of mine and I'm like, are the lashes worth it. But I swear I'm so addicted to lashes. I've been getting lashes for two years, and I am stopping anytime soon.
Today, what we are getting into is what to do when you're feeling burnt out in your business.
This happens to me personally when I start comparing myself to other people and thinking that I need to do it the way that they're doing. So I tend to get sucked into my mentors, vortexes.
I'm someone who as a manifester. In human design, I like to master one thing, and then move on to the next thing fairly quickly. So a business model that works really well for me is falling in love with a topic.
Let's say for example, NLP and subconscious recoding. And that I mastered that really quickly, create a program about it, and then I'm on to the next thing.
I love having a business model that really activates my creativity. But then when I start to compare myself to my coach who also has a similar business model to me, and she's moving at hyper speed. Granted, she has a really big team and like massive audience, and you know, like you don't ever want to compare yourself to your mentor, because the reason that you hired them, usually, at least for me, because I'm a business coach is because they make more money than me, right?
I mean, that's what I'm learning. I'm like, Okay, how do we grow? How do we make more money? How do we make it more useful? How do we grow this impactful and alive business, but then what happens to me sometimes is I tend to get a little triggered in the mastermind, I tend to get comparison, and then I'm like, Oh, my gosh, am I falling behind, I need to be catching up.
Then I start, go go going and do do doing and like not and then I just can't slow down. Because I'm trying to keep up. And then I tend to get a little bit burnt out in my business.
So when these moments happen for me, and maybe they happen for you, too, I just want to remind you that just because you're paying someone and they're making more money than you or they have a bigger audience or bigger reach or whatever it is, it doesn't necessarily mean that the strategies that they're doing are going to work for you or that everything that they tell you is like liquid gold and you have to listen to everything they say.
It's actually really funny because my boyfriend the other day he just likes to sometimes he's cute he is he's like serial entrepreneur, freaking amazing at what he does. He'll just give me little bits of business advice here and there.
Usually I'm pretty like reactive to his advice, you know, which is something I'm definitely working on but he'll be like Laura, you know, I think you're selling too much on your Instagram and I'm like no, my mind to ourselves every day and she is a multi-millionaire. Then I this is what tends to happen is he'll give me advice. I'll react to him he'll just be like, Okay, well I'm not gonna give you advice ever again.
Then I just kind of feel a little shame at myself. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, why am I like this? Why am I always reacting to his advice? Why can't I just like, accept and move on. But then what I'll do is I'll sit with his advice for a week, and I'll contemplate it. And I'll think about it. And then I'll I actually was thinking about it, I was like, okay, when I was the most successful in my business wasn't when I was selling every single day.
It was when I was really in my purpose. And when I was creating just value based content, but it was from a space of fun and play and creativity and ease. So it got me thinking back to what my purpose is, because I truly believe that when we are really locked into our purpose, we're locked into our own vortex and what feels really good for us, the money flows a lot easier, versus just trying to force things and do things, because that's what's worked for somebody else.
I thought about it, and I was like, Okay, I like where he's going with this, maybe I don't need to sell every day. Because yeah, when I look back to my business, and when it was, you know, when, when I was feeling the best, and when my business was making the most money was actually when I wasn't selling every day, people were sliding into my DMs left, right and center without me actively selling every single day on my stories.
So I evaluated this information. What I did was I also evaluated my purpose and how you can really connect to your purpose is, think about a time in your past, when you felt really alive, can just go ahead, if you're if you want, you can close your eyes.
And think back to a time when you just felt alive.
You were in the flow.
You were feeling really good.
You were so joyful, you were so happy.
What were you doing? Were you creating? Were you sharing something? What were you doing in that moment, when you felt just so alive and lit up and creative and inspired. And you were just like, yes, this is what I want to be doing.
I love this.
So this is your purpose.
So when I did this exercise on myself, I was really when I was living in my purpose, it was in 2020. I was in a really good morning routine. I would go do my little skincare routine. I'd go to body factory gym. I would do a workout class than I had hit the cafe, grab a protein shake, do my cute little manifestation babe journaling.
Then at the time, I was going live a lot. Because I was feeling really confident I was creating content, but I wasn't actively launching every single month are selling every month, which is kind of what I've been doing now.
I was just creating for the sake of creation and not putting a ton of pressure on myself to create a new offer every single month. But I was creating a lot of content and I was going live and I was sharing my lifestyle and my life. I was doing a lot of storytelling content. I just felt really good.
So your purpose, if you want to kind of do a little bit of like journaling on it, you could ask yourself, my purpose is to be and do what.
When I think about my purpose, my person, my purpose is to be a wild Creatrix and to be a master of living life well, too. When I say creatrix, I love creating, I love creating offers. I love creating content, I love just creation for the sake of creation.
When I put pressure on myself to make a certain amount of money or I'm like I haven't, I'm not launching anything this month, I need to put together an offer and launch something to sell.
That's where I get all in my head versus let me just tap into my innate creativity and fill up my cup, nourish myself and just create because it's what I love to do not necessarily for reaching a specific goal or outcome but more.
Yeah, like let's just be a master of living life well and let's create and then in me living my life, especially I am a manifester in human design, like this is what I meant to do is kind of lead the way right so in me living my life, I inspire other people to live their freedom based life too.
Ideally what your purpose to also be or have something to do with impact. I find that the more value you give, the more money you're going to receive.
I'm not telling you to go and over give and over deliver. Although I do believe over delivering and your programs is freaking amazing. I do this all the time. I'll throw in bonuses and giveaways and all of that I love over delivering and programs.
What I'm saying is we can get into what's called like consumption debt where you're just over consuming content you're consuming, you're consuming, you're consuming. You're not actually giving your audience any value.
I believe that when you actually are delivering value, which value can come in can come in many different ways, especially if you're telling your story. Just being really authentic online like that is value.
So, giving value and being of service is going to lead to more money. So it's funny, I was actually on a private one on one coaching call with one of my clients, and we were talking about this as well. And she also said, you know, when I was making the most money in my business, I actually was not selling every day, I was doing the same, I was creating a lot of value, I was creating real connection with women.
Personally, for me, the last two women that I signed into my world, these women came in through me talking to them in DMS for a couple of weeks and building a true relationship.
We forget that we're in a relationship building business.
Recap, in order for you to kind of end this little burnout that you have going on, if you feel like you've been in comparison. And if you're asking yourself, or you're feeling like you've been selling a lot, and it hasn't been working, just tune into your gut and your intuition.
I think we tend to take on the ideas and the what our mentors who were paying, we take their word.
So I've heard from many mentors that I follow, sell every day, sell every day, sell every day, and we believe it.
But really, what I'm encouraging you in this episode is to tune into your own intuition.
Just because somebody is making more money than you, you don't have to take that honest word, we get to be flexible.
This is another thing that is going to make you an excellent entrepreneur is if you're flexible.
I've actually found that I've become very rigid in my business, because I take what my mentors when paying what I'm taking what they say, and I'm not being flexible, and you know, trial and error and experimenting and testing.
So my boyfriend again, he'll tell me something, and I'm like, no, my mentor told me this, and she makes a lot of money and did it up.
But truthfully, we need to be flexible in our businesses like this is a we are in the energy, we want to be in the energy of experimentation, where we're like this crazy mad scientist who is trial and error thing.
If something doesn't work, you can be flexible. And then you learn a lesson.
There is no such thing as failure, there's only feedback.
So you learn the lesson.
Then you tweak something and refine it and then you get better and better and better as you go.
But that's just another point I want to make is we need to be flexible in our businesses and like look at your business and ask yourself is what I'm doing is what my mentor is teaching me working? Or do I need to kind of reevaluate, reassess and create a new plan and let's test that and trial that and see how that goes.
So I am learning to be more flexible in my approach to business and be a little bit less rigid.
Other thing I wanted to talk about in this episode relating to should you sell every day and your content so and what my visibility plan is for the month moving forward.
I'm going to stop selling every day.
I'm coming off the back end of launching two live group programs, I launched a new website with my designer, I also launched this podcast.
I've been doing a lot.
I'm going to Hawaii next week.
I've been moving, I'm in a new a new city the past month, a lot has been going on.
I'm actually going to take a back seat from selling all the time.
Although I am going to be selling because my birthday is September 23 Libra vibes.
I'm going to be selling something special for you for a little birthday sale bonanza.
But other than that I don't have any plans to sell the rest of the month.
I do have plans to put together a visibility plan.
For those of you who don't know what a visibility plan is, essentially, and this is what I've noticed is when I look at my Instagram stories, my story views range from like 150 to I'd say 400 on a really good day. If I'm posting all lifestyle content, my story views can go higher, but because I've been selling every day my story views have been low.
Also I noticed that the people who are watching my stories or a lot of the same people and my Instagram hasn't really been growing too much.
Not that I'm super into vanity metrics or anything like that. But there comes a point where you're just kind of annoyed and you're like okay, like my story views aren't growing. I'm selling to the same people for the past six months. I kind of want to ramp up my views ramp up and get some new people into my world.
I am someone who's really, really good at Instagram stories. But if you think about it, if you're always only posting to your Instagram stories are never really growing anybody new, that's more nurture content.
Somewhere else I really love to sell as well as my email list, I have about 2500 on my email list, I'd say 1000 people open my emails regularly, which is pretty great. I like to send and I have a plan to send emails to my email list. But this is nurture as well.
We have to also think how are we getting new people into our world. I know a lot of coaches will say, like, you know, focus on your people, and just the people that are in your audience you sell to, and you want to convert them and just focus on them.
I also want to grow my audience, I want to bring new people into my world and sell to my babes that are currently there.
This visibility plan, essentially, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to not sell, maybe I'll sell to my email list, I don't know. But like on the back end, but what I'm gonna do is I'm putting together a plan to batch tons of TikToks, because I'm on TikTok, now hello.
I'm also putting plans together to do a ton of reels to get new people in.
Also going to be on some a guest on some podcasts, I wrote out a list of 15 people who I'd love to guest speak for in their program. So I'm gonna message them, I truly believe guest speaking is the best way to gain new people into your community and cross pollinate, as well as sign new clients just because you're speaking in front of an audience who these people have already paid.
It's like you're getting in front of people who are willing to invest money in their growth and in their evolution.
So I think that is great.
The reels, probably, I want to grow my email list a little bit as well, because I do love selling to my list. So putting together a plan to grow the list, which would just involve me actively talking about my freebies, and my telegram community, which is a place where I give a lot of free biz tips and mindset hacks and things like that.
Promoting the telegram community as well. I pop in there once or twice a week. I freaking love having a telegram community I feel like it's having it's like having a mini podcast. I've always hated Facebook.
Back in the day, I had a Facebook group of like 3000 people and I had a VA from the Philippines Something happened where we probably were engaging too much, or I don't know what happened. But I basically got kicked off of Facebook and lost my 3000 People Facebook group, and ever since then, it just was really heartbreaking to me, I feel like Facebook is just very overwhelming. I feel like Facebook groups are dead, no one even sees you in there. So I've been playing with telegram and I absolutely love it.
I have this cute little free telegram community that I leave little biz tips and mindset golden nuggets once or twice a week. The link is in the show notes if you want to join that.
Then I'm also on Pinterest as well. So I've created this really cool visibility plan.
It feels really good. Like I'm really just excited to tap into the creativity of my business again, and just create content for fun and grow my audience and have people get to know me again.
So if your business feels a bit stale, I recommend doing a visibility. You can do visibility ramp ups before your launches for perhaps two or three weeks, depending on if your offer that you're about to sell as high ticket mid ticket low ticket, or you can even if you want take a month out of the year to just do a big visibility month where you're not selling everything or you could even do it two or three times per year.
I think the fear in taking a visibility month is you'll be nervous that you won't get any sales because you're not selling essentially.
This isn't true because when I look back to when I was making the most money it was when I wasn't selling it was literally when I was just living my life and creating from my heart and people should just feel my magnetic energy and they were just like, oh my god, Laura, I love your vibes. How can I work with you. And also to you can still if you have your email list, you don't have to actively sell on your Instagram stories.
When you're doing a visibility month, you can sell on the back end to your email list. So I like to I guess you could call this covertly sell. I was talking about this with my mastermind babes. But what I like to do is I will do some sort of a value based email and then at the end of the email, I'll say P.S and then I'll say something that I have available for them to purchase.
It's like the bulk of the email is just value value value and then the P.S at the end is just a little tiny way that they could maybe sign into my Voxer mentorship or my one on one, or the mastermind, or like a 90 minute intensive, or whatever I wanted to just add on as a little chicken nugget at the end of the email
If you do a visibility month, you will still make sales, even if you're not, like actively selling, you can do it on the back end of your email list. And people are just gonna love your vibes.
Again, just because I am telling you this doesn't mean you have to adopt it and say, because Laura said that this is true, and I'm not going to sell, you have to do what works for you. Like I said, you have to be flexible.
If you've been listening to a mentor who's been telling you, you need to sell every day, the more you sell, the more you make money, and you're seeing people sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, and he's been doing that, has it actually looked at it and be like, has it been working for you?
What may work better for you is not selling every single day. But selling when you feel alive, right selling when your intuition is like, yes, I want to sell this thing. And yeah, just see how it feels for you.
That is what I have for you today could be potentially a little bit of a controversial SEO issue or a controversial topic.
Should you sell every day or should you not, but it's just my opinion.
At the end of the day, what I really want you to do is just listen to your own intuition, and be flexible and just trial and error and see what works best for you.
Maybe this gave you a little bit of permission. Like maybe you are feeling a little burnt out a little tired. You're like Oh, I'm so tired of selling all the time. I want to take a backseat and have a visibility month.
I say go for it.
I say go for it if that's your vibe this month.
Visibility is absolutely incredible. And yeah, like I said, who knows you might even make more sales then when you're selling every single day.
So that is what I have for you.
Oh my gosh, three days until I'm in Hawaii.
Such a vibe.
But I will talk to you all soon and bye for now.
Thanks so much for listening!!
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