Why Launching New Offers All The Time May Not Be Working For You (and what to think about instead)
Feb 14, 2023
This post is about Why launching new offers all the time may not be working for you (and what to think about instead). If you like this, make sure to jump into my free Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, BTS moments, what I’m currently working on/going through, and free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business.
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PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support - I have a 4 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.
Welcome back to another episode of Radiant and Rich.
So today I am talking all about:
- Why launching new offers all the time might actually be killing your sales. And I'm gonna give you a little bit of a perspective shift into some things to think about.
- New free masterclass that I'm going to be hosting next week. It's two days long, it's called Simplicity. And I'm literally so obsessed with the branding. It just makes my heart so so happy.
It's probably going to resonate with you, if you, like me, have kind of gotten sucked into the industry standards of launching a brand new offer all the time, and got sucked into this feeling of oh, I have an idea. Let me create something, let me launch.
#1 You're just getting in this cycle of ideas, create, launch ideas, create, launch.
Now it's December, we're all towards the end of the year. And maybe you're just like me, and you're just like, fuck, you know, I'm so burned out. And I have four to five points that I want to make about it. And yeah, this is just to give you a different perspective.
I'm not saying that creating new offers all the time is a bad thing by any means. But this is just from my perspective, and what I've seen works well in my business and what I've seen does not work so well. And to be honest, I actually saw my revenue go down this year with adding more to the business instead of simplifying things.
That is what the free masterclass I'm hosting next week is going to be about. It's going to be how you can simplify your business and simplify your offer suite and focus on the things that are actually going to drive the needle forward in your business.
The link is in the show notes to join the free workshop and there's going to be lifetime access to the replay. So if you can't catch it live, no big deal, just catch the replay.
So the first thing I want to mention when it comes to launching new offers and creating offers off of all of the ideas that you have. Just being in the cycle of creating new things is perhaps you're in a cycle of always creating, right, but there may not be many new leads coming through your pipeline.
What I realized, as I went through this year was I was creating new offers a lot. But I noticed it was always the same people that I was selling to like the same people who are watching and engaging on my Instagram stories, the same people who were buying all the offers.
I did notice that there was great client retention, for sure. Like once one person bought an offer, a lot of them would continue on to the next offer. But I also noticed that there were no new people in my world.
We have to keep in mind that if you're not prioritizing, how are you getting in front of new people.
You're not going to be able to get let's say you're launching a group program, and you have consistently been getting around five to 10 people in your group program. But what you really want is 20 to 30. And you're not prioritizing, generating new leads and getting in front of new people.
And I like to say the word leads. I know as conscious feminine entrepreneurs, we hate the word lead. I don't want to be a lead.
We want to be getting in front of new people in a new audience. Right? And so how do you prioritize, how are you getting in front of new people all the time, and we also have to put our CEO hat on at the end of our launches and create a space where we can actually sit down and evaluate how things are going.
So, instead of just creating an offer, and then not really evaluating, you know, how did the launch go, what worked, what didn't work, it's like, we just kind of are like, Okay, well, that offer didn't sell as well as I wanted. Let me go and just create a new offer, and then see how that goes.
We're just like in this cycle of always creating but not actually putting our CEO hats on, and figuring out things like, what's working, what's not working.
I think a lot of times, too, because a lot of us focus so much on prioritizing our mindsets. When something doesn't go to plan and maybe a launch fails, or we don't get as many women into a container as we would have liked. We immediately think, Oh, it's just my mindset. My mindset is so shit, like I need to get better at manifesting, I need to stop thinking about my limiting beliefs, and the what ifs and prioritize my mindset.
But if we actually were to put our CEO hat on an evaluate, a lot of the times it's either the messaging was off, or we just need to get in front of more people and get in front of some new people and prioritize maybe three weeks of like an audience growth plan, or even having a month of just focus audience growth, right.
A lot of times if you're in this cycle of launch, create, launch, create, launch, create, you're not taking time to evaluate what's actually going on in your business and what's working and what's not working.
Maybe it is a messaging problem, or it's a lead problem, and you don't have any new leads in your pipeline.
So what I'll be implementing next year in 2023, is having an entire month, each quarter, potentially dedicated to just getting in front of new people, which can look like a lot of different things.
This is definitely something that we dive a lot deeper into inside of my mastermind container ascension.
We also have to take time to evaluate what's working and what's not working in the business.
Then we get to refine and tweak as we go.
#2 The other thing that could be off around having a model that's always just launching new things consistently, is there's not necessarily a lot of awareness around brand new offers.
So if you are newer to the industry, and newer being you've been doing this for a year, two years, I would say and, or even if it's been longer, but you just haven't been consistent with it, like maybe you pop in for a couple of months, and then you pop back out for a couple of months, right.
But when we're looking at these big brands, whose industry standards are creating new offers all the time, the thing that you haven't seen is that they've actually put blood sweat and tears into their brand, right?
They've been around for three years, five years, 10 years, they're always doing free experiences, they're creating content consistently, like they have been in the trenches with their business.They have a hot audience. So any offer they put out is going to sell like hotcakes.
But if you're kind of newer to the industry, or you haven't built up a strong personal brand, or maybe you don't have any offer where there's a lot of awareness around the offer, then what I recommend is and this is what I did for the first two years of my businesses, I just had one to two solid core offers, I had a mastermind and a group program.
I just relaunched those every three months to every four months to build awareness around the offer, and to also build credibility and awareness around my personal brand as well, because it does take time to build a personal brand.
If you've been launching a lot of offers, and you're like, Oh, why isn't it working? What's going on?
I think another big focus for you and 2023 can be how can I build my personal brand. And I'll give you one type of content that is an example of how you can build your personal brand.
But this would look something like you sharing your beliefs and you sharing what you stand for.
So even in me expressing that my word for 2023 is simplicity. And that I want a business that's really simple.
I want a simple offer suite.
That is me building my personal brand, because I'm sharing values, and I'm sharing beliefs.
Just sharing your thoughts and sharing your struggles and what you've been through and what you're planning for the future and focusing more on content that's going to build your personal brand.
This is also something that I'm not going to get into a lot inside of this podcast episode.
But I do have a paid workshop called “Why She Buys” that is coming out in January 2023.
That's going to give you a deep dive into messaging and content that converts so that you can become a sought after personal brand and attract high end clients.
Go back to the episode and you being consistent and having core offers, and then you talking about your offers all the time and becoming known for your offers. This allows for the offers to sell more easily, it allows for you to start stacking your income.
Then once your revenue is stacked, and you've got a little bit of safety and cushion and security, then you can go and be your own little create-tricks and go off and create new offers and have fun doing that.
But it can get tricky.
You can get into a scarcity mindset when you are always just relying on these brands, new offers for your income.
Because again, there's no awareness around the offer, right.
So instead of putting all of your efforts into creating this new offer, and hoping that all the money comes through the new offer, that doesn't have any brand awareness around it, or any offer or awareness around it, you know, like you don't know how the launch is going to go, it can just feel a bit, yeah, overwhelming.
You can get into a scarcity mindset through that.
I recommend and I think a good model to start out with is having a couple of core offers that you consistently talk about two to three times per week, build some brand awareness around the offers, and then go off on your own creative adventure.
If you tend to get bored like me, and you want to create something new, that's great, but not having a model where your income solely relies on creating new things all the time, like get that solid foundation first and then go and have fun and create new offers.
#3 Another reason why if you've been launching new offers all the time new offers, and you notice that your revenue has been going down with this model, it might just be that you've been focusing so much on adding more to the business, that you're not even focused on selling and scaling your core offers anymore.
This is something that I fell into the trap of this year as well as I have my core offer. And that program that I'm obsessed with that I want everyone in and that's my four month mastermind ascension.
But this year, I focused on creating a lot of group programs I actually created.
I don't know, if I created five or six, I created a lot of group programs and the mastermind was something that kind of fell on the back end.
I was always talking about the group programs and creating branding and you know, putting together the strategy for the launch and then delivering the group program and talking about it.
But then I was never really mentioning the mastermind maybe like once or twice a month if that.
It's like I stopped talking about my biggest revenue driver and the thing that I love the most.
If you're focusing on doing a lot of group programs, but what you really want people in is your core offer, your biggest revenue driver.
It's like, I think a misconception is thinking that launching a group program, like I have to launch a group program first to get people into my higher level offer and thinking that that's the strategy, which actually, that's not necessarily the case, just because, someone goes into an eight week group program, that doesn't mean that they're the perfect ideal client for your next higher level offer.
Also people need a lot of time to integrate and soak up all of the information that they just learned in that eight week program of yours especially if it's more of a broad thing, maybe they're not necessarily ready to get into your higher level core offer.
What is your biggest revenue driver? What is your favorite offer, the one that gets the best transformation and make that the main focus of your marketing and have your messaging and have everything funneling to that program?
For me personally and 2023 every free workshop I do every paid masterclass I do. All of it is going to be flowing into the mastermind because that's the main event and that's the thing that I want everyone in.
That is what I'm going to build the most awareness around by mentioning it and putting it at the forefront of my business versus thinking that I have to do all of this other stuff to get people into that main offer like a longer group program.
Also in the Simplicity masterclass next week, I am going to be talking about best practices for filling your one on ones your group programs and your higher mastermind level type programs.
FYI, so yeah, link in the show notes.
#4 Then another thing I'll mention, if you don’t have a team and you’re just starting out and you don’t have that much help, it can feel exhausting.
Just with having a model, we are always launching new things, probably for someone like me, like I have a completely open sacral in human design. I'm a manifester. So it just makes you tired, right? Like if you don't have a team, like a big team who's helping you, right, like maybe you're just starting out and you don't have that much help, it can feel exhausting to be doing the branding and writing the emails and putting together the launch strategy and delivering the offer.
It can be a lot.
Even me, I have two people on my team, I have my designer, and then I have my assistant to help me with other things like repurposing, and scheduling and things like that. But I'm also someone who really likes to be in my business, like I write all of my copy and sales pages and emails, and I'm the one creating the content.
I don't actually want to outsource all of that, like I love actually being in my business, because I just love being creative.
So for me to put together a program, it does take a lot of effort on my part.
I could make it easier on myself by outsourcing more things. But I actually love the creative aspect of it.
It can get exhausting for me to pull together an entire program and launch it. Then once that's done, go and create an entirely new program, put that all together and launch it right. So yeah, it can get tiring.
#5 Then one other thing I'll mention, too, with having a model where you're creating new offers all the time is you have to think about the clients you're serving.
Think about your audience, we're just investing in all these different things.
For example, you have an eight-week program about feminine energy, and then you have like a 12 week program about gene keys. And then you have an eight-week program about business strategy. And then you have another program that's about manifestation and you have like, all these different niche offers.
But if it's just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, right after the other clients might feel overwhelmed, maybe they're not even getting results, because it's like, their subconscious mind is bombarded by so much information, that they're not even absorbing it, let alone putting it into practice in the real world and integrating it.
It's like, they're just learning a ton of information. So it's like, thinking that we're in this to help our clients get results.
If you're always creating brand new offers all the time, we also want to keep in mind and keep our clients in mind and what's best for them.
Instead of doing you know, these three-week long, short bursts programs, let me cram all this information and get a short cash injection.
I personally would like to do, and be a part of a program that's more spread out eight to 12 weeks long, one call a week homework, where my clients are actually integrating and implementing and trialing and airing and they're like, oh, you know, this strategy really worked for me and who I didn't like that, that didn't work for me.
That's what I'm also feeling myself being part of other programs that are longer in length, where there's definitely more intentionality put into the program.
There's lots of homework and things for us to do and the coach is reviewing our homework.
We're actually able to get a transformation and see progress, versus just whipping together this quick program without even thinking about what's the transformation.
I actually want my clients to get at the end of this and how am I going to make sure that they get that you know what I mean?
Some things you can look at would be simplifying your offers, and just clearing all the fluff, clearing out programs and offers that you actually don't like.
Just getting rid of fluff offers.
Then you want to build credibility for yourself.
Starting to talk about your core offers on a more consistent basis.
Then once your revenue is stable, you're filling these core offers, you're building your personal brand, then you get to kind of go off and be that little create-tricks that I know you want to be.
#6 Then another thing, I would say focusing on your messaging is like literally the number one thing to focus on, if you want to start signing higher level clients and filling your programs.
Another thing would be focusing on audience growth, and not always being in this launch cycle 24/7.
Actually, taking three weeks to grow your audience or taking a whole month off to grow your audience, and grow your personal brand, which is going to allow you to build credibility and build authority.
And yeah, just building the personal brand in general is really, really important.
It's honestly another really important thing, focusing on the personal brand and that is also something that we do inside of ascension.
Simplicity is a really good freaking feeling.
I'm getting rid of so many of my group programs next year and I'm just going to have two group programs, the mastermind, potentially a membership. I'm thinking about it, but just keeping the offer suite, really simple.
So if all of this is really intriguing to you, and you're like okay, Laura, yeah, I am vibing with all of this. I really want to simplify my business. I'm seeing Where I might have added too much to the business or where I might have gone wrong or, I haven't been focusing on growing my audience or focusing on growing my personal brand. I've been launching all the time but there's been no real strategy behind it. Like I'm not seeing anyone new in my audience.
Then Simplicity is my free masterclass where we're going to be talking about this conversation and taking this conversation even further and how you can really create a simplified offer suite that's actually going to allow you to 2x your revenue, or even 10x your revenue in a way that just gives you a lot of freedom.
I'm going to be straight up with you and real with you and tell you exactly what you need to do.
And it's going to be just a no fluff masterclass.
So, the link is in the show notes for you to join.
I'm so excited.
It's going to be on the 29th and 30th of December.
So I hope to see you guys there. And I love you so much!
Happy Holidays!
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