Why your anxious attachment style affects your business

personal growth Jun 14, 2023
Why your anxious attachment style affects your business

This post is about why your anxious attachment style affects your business . If you like this, make sure to jump into my free Telegram Community, The Femme Club, where I host weekly 10-15 minute trainings on business, sales, marketing, mindset, manifestation, feminine energetics, spirituality and more!

You can also jump into my free 3 day workshop, Romanticize Your Business , to learn how you can create consistent 5 figure cash months while living the most LUXE life.

Follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey! 

PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support -  I have a 4 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.


For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out WHY the hell my business was struggling in the abundance department.

I went from having consistent $20,000+ cash months WITH EASE, growing my savings to over $100,000 in cash, down to the least amount of money I had ever made in my business and I could NOT for the life of me figure out what was going on.

It’s funny because when I look back at when my business started to take a nose dive, it was when I entered into my last relationship.

The thing is - 

→ I had the strategies down.

→ I was showing up consistently. 

→ My energy was good. My health on point.


Because I was constantly giving my power away to someone else. I was constantly abandoning myself and my truth for love.

I was CHASING and PURSUING love to feel happy and whole, despite all of the red flags. I was scared to set boundaries and express my needs out of fear of being broken up with.

I stopped focusing on ME and allll of my energy was leaking out to him.

Why wasn’t I attracting as much money as before? 

Because I wasn’t IN ME. I wasn’t IN MY BODY. I was constantly overthinking, anxious, self-sacrificing and I could tell that I wasn’t in alignment but I convinced myself that the relationship made me happy because as long as I had that love, I was good.

But the universe literally will not support you when you’re not in your body.

With an anxious attachment style you notice every little thing and with the slightest feeling of something being off, you overthink, overanalyze, you can’t focus on your work.

I had to stop pursuing and chasing and instead choose to sit with my feelings of discomfort, nurture my feminine energy, and learn to set better boundaries as to who gets access to my energy. I had to learn to finally TRUST myself.

Because at that point, I didn’t feel like I was lovable or worthy, and a part of me felt like I had to convince others of that (both in my relationships AND in my business.)

When you begin to work on your worthiness, that it when more money comes in and you have more men approaching you. 

It’s about coming HOME to you.

This is why Ascension Mastermind is so amazing because not only do we focus on business strategy - we blend feminine energetics and self concept work too.

A big work inside of Ascension is on your self concept and your identity.

Inside you learn how to date yourself, Romanticize your life, and find happiness within so that your business is a fun, vibrant, organic expression of your innermost essence.

Your feminine is nourished and you’re magnetic AF. Your business is FUN, your creativity is heightened, and you feel so much bliss and passion and LIGHTNESS in your life and in your business.

This is for you IF:

>>You value TIME FREEDOM and a BALANCED LIFE - you desire more spaciousness in your life to be with your kids, travel the world, and pursue your passions

>> You desire more SIMPLICITY in your business. You’re not about “adding more/doing MORE” - you would rather refine and simplify to scale

>> You want to bring in more masculine strategy + systems to your business so that your feminine can feel more at ease and playful. Through having a smarter model and more structure, you will have more consistency and recurring revenue, instead of being on an up and down roller coaster of income

>>You crave a business that feels fun and nourishing, that you feel super passionate about, and one that lights you up. You’re tired of taking business so seriously and you want to stop overthinking and comparing yourself to everyone else and REALLY embody your most authentic, confident and radiant self.

>> You are obsessed with self growth. You love working on your identity, and you actively seek to become your next level self in order to feel totally abundant, blissful, and magnetic

>> You want to bring more feminine energy into your life so that you can receive more, amplify your creativity, and become a magnet to money and clients. Through adding more masculine structure to the biz, you will realize that the strategy is actually SEXY and you will be able to PLAY MORE and HAVE MORE FUN in the biz.

CLICK HERE to apply. There are 3 spots available for the week of June 5th start.

If you're looking to simplify your business model and growth strategy to MAXIMIZE the FUN (and profits) in your business, create a business you’re obsessed with, and bring more feminine energy back into your life again, then APPLY NOW.

If you enroll by the end of May, receive a BONUS 90 minute 1:1 with me AND access to my upcoming 8 week LIVE Group Program PREMIUM (value $1500)

As always, my DM's are always open for questions!


How to Navigate a VOID with grace and GODDESS energy 

Are you currently in a plateau, feeling stuck or feeling like you don’t know what to do next? Maybe right now all you REALLY want to do is hermit away and be still with yourself. But your inner masculine is JUDGING you because you’re not out there DOING and ACHIEVING!

I’ve been navigating a void the past 3 weeks after my breakup and I have SO MUCH WISDOM to share with you inside of this episode!

Inside we cover 👇🏻

✔️What is a “void” and how to know that you’re in one

✔️BTS of my kundalini awakening

✔️How to romanticize TF out of your void and navigate it with grace

✔️How to cultivate more feminine energy and honor the stillness

✔️What this void is trying to teach you



Did this blog post help? DM me on IG and say hey gorgeous and tell me what you loved! @thefemme_ceo

Stay updated and follow my day on Instagram.

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