Sales is the absolute LIFE BLOOD of your business
And the key to unlocking your sales success is by LEARNING ABOUT SALES.
InstaSALES will give you the sales confidence and ability to show up in a way that creates paying, eager & high-vibe soul mate clients, repeatedly. Does it feel like you're struggling in the sales department?

✓ I have taken everything I’ve learned over the past 2 years that helped me go from 0-$25K months and simplified it down to exactly what works it all into the InstaSALES Incubator so that you can take the information I give you, implement it, and then scale your biz to consistent $10K months.
✓ My success has been directly correlated to having a Masculine & Feminine balanced approach to sales. It will give you just enough structure that feels good PLUS add in the feminine energetics + magic and your sales will go through the ROOOF.
✓ The InstaSALES Incubator is a comprehensive 10 Week LIVE SALES group coaching program that will give you the mindset, systems, strategies, and energetics necessary to LEVEL UP your online business in 2022. If you have found yourself looking for the “secret sauce” necessary to increase your income and find freedom, then it all boils down to ONE THING - SALES!


Learning sales doesn’t have to be icky, salesy, or pushy.
It’s about SERVING.
It’s about helping you to overcome your own limiting beliefs in order to achieve your biggest goals and having clients work with you in doing so.

➙ I was stuck in my DM’s for 5 hours a day literally going MAD
➙ My content was not creating any awareness around my brand and wasn’t connecting with my audience. I was not in authority and people only saw me as “inspiring”
➙ I was barely getting on any sales calls
➙ When I finally DID get on a sales call my mindset was all wonky and the second I was given a money objection I shut down OR WORST I was ghosted
➙ Instead of being in alignment and flow, I was constantly stressed about NEEDING the sale in order to pay my bills.
➙ I would wake up every morning with a pit in my stomach, worried that I was going to have to give up my Bali dream and go back to nursing.

➙ You’re stuck at $1K-$3K months even though you’re working your ASS OFF trying to find clients and you just need COMMITTED LEADS
➙ You’re struggling with how to reach out to your dream client without being too salesy and sleezy. LIKE HOW do I even send them a message without feeling gross?!
➙ Or... Maybe you ARE reaching out to people… but they just see your message and either leave a one word response or ghost you. You’re working SO HARD but it’s leading nowhere. You NEED to figure out how to approach people in a way that feels good to them and not like your unsolicitedly going into their inbox.
➙ You are struggling to get people to book a call with you or fill out your form
➙ YOU HATE SALES CALLS and are ready to let go of the nervousness and anxiety around them.
➙ You’re content is not converting and you struggle with getting connected content that sells in front of your ideal client.
➙ You need the right systems in place so that you can attract clients and convert them to sales so you don’t have to worry about finances anymore

❤ Having the confidence to show up online unapologetically YOU and selling from a place of service and authenticity
❤ Having an effective content strategy in place so that you aren’t throwing spaghetti at the wall and feeling all over the place with your content.
❤ Being the GO TO authority in your niche so that your dream clients slide into YOUR inbox asking to work with you, so that you don’t have to feel SALESY
❤ Speaking to your ideal client’s soul in the DM’s without feeling like you’re unsolicited in their inbox “selling”
❤ Nailing the “one call close” on sales calls at a price that YOU WANT
❤ Waking up from anywhere in the world EXCITED AF because you aren’t stressed about finances. You are consistently filling your client roster and hitting $10K months and beyond even with a small following

that focuses on the one thing that will ultimately level up your business and help you find the freedom and impact you deserve - sales. This program is designed to help you go from feeling burnt out, frustrated, and overwhelmed in your online biz to selling from abundance + confidence so that you are no longer worried about the state of your finances and wondering - am I cut out for this?!
You’re getting templates, resources, scripts, and strategy PLUS trainings from special guest coaches so that you can generate consistent leads and close EASY BREEZY!

Anita Hendrieka
Before Laura’s program, I was so confused as to how I would sell my program. She gave me SO MUCH CLARITY! She taught me to sell in the DM’s and on the phone! I doubled the price of my program and I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do this without Laura. I am enrolling people into my program and I am constantly getting new students and money is coming in. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without her!

★ Heal your money mindset and your limiting beliefs so that you are in alignment with your business and no longer in fear mode like… “will I land any clients?!” Or… “Will this even work out for me?!”
★ Have an effective lead generation system in place to consistently attract your dream clients
★ Have a STAND OUT content strategy in place so that you can become THE go-to in your niche, strengthen your brand, and have the confidence to show up online consistently and effectively.
★ Have a business model in place that is aligned with your Human Design energy type and is set to take you all the way to 7 figures.
★ Understand premium messaging and how to write high converting copy
★ Be confident AF in sales - selling your program on your IG stories and on sales calls with confidence and authenticity without ever feeling salesy or sleezy
★ Have a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE sales call flow that converts so that you no longer have to feel nervous on your sales calls
★ Be able to coach your clients through objections on sales calls LIKE A LEADER.
★ Have a seamless system in place for booking discovery calls, taking payments on the call, and onboarding clients
★ Learn how to channel innovative offers and how to market and sell them
If you’re SERIOUS about slaying 2022 and are ready to close consistent sales in your business while having the confidence in knowing that your program is the sh** and you’re ready to CHANGE LIVES, then The InstaSALES Incubator is for you!
The strategies, tools, and systems in this program have helped my clients scale from 6+ Figures and build the online business of their dreams.

✓ Struggling to CLOSE the sale or even INITIATE it without feeling ICKY
✓ Struggling with your MINDSET and your CONFIDENCE around feeling good enough + knowing that you are WORTHY of your pricing
✓ You’re SERIOUSLY READY to create a long-term profitable online biz in 2022, build unshakable confidence in yourself AND finally create the impact you crave!


✓ 10 official LIVE InstaSALES Incubator Video Modules that will help you gain confidence + give you ACTIONABLE + IMPLEMENTABLE strategies to help you start slaying sales
✓ Access to the InstaSALES Incubator modules FOR LIFE
✓ Access to all of the BONUSES
✓ Access to the private Facebook Group to ask ANY and ALL questions

you will not only have the skills and knowledge needed to slay your sales and make money with ease, but learn what it takes to make your business profitable in the long run so that you can finally stop with the overwhelm of your finances, say peace out to your sucky boss, and start making the money and impact your desire WHILE LIVING YOUR BEST FREAKING LIFE!


In this workshop I take you through each of the 5 energy types of human design, and teach you how to BEST SELL based on your human design. Do you feel icky selling in the DM’s? Perhaps you’re a projector where your strategy is to wait for the invitation. Did your first launch fall flat? Perhaps you’re a generator meant to RESPOND not initiate. Let’s get you ALIGNED so that selling becomes easy as pie.

Daniel Breez is a certified CPA, founder of Measured Growth CPA who teaches you how to PROFIT by setting up your bank account for success and how to save for taxes. This one is JAM PACKED and will change the way you manage your money. GAME CHANGER.
Milana is an NLP + Sales Coach and host of the magnetic podcast who helps coaches build $100K+ businesses by working 4-hour days

Ready to make it rain sales?
VALUE $10,000
Only $1500

Jennifer Madrid
I just launched my program 8 days ago and I already had two wins! I just had 2 clients sign up at $5,000 each and I made $10,000 already - OMG!!! It’s so exciting! It’s such a confidence booster! I have a few more sales to do to reach my goal and I know I’m going to do it and it really helps to be apart of this organization where we celebrate our wins and we feel like friends! I know I”m going to know Laura forever! If you’ve been thinking about it, just do it, because that’s what you’re here for!

★ Because, my friend, I have been in your shoes.
★ I remember waking up with a pit in my stomach wondering if I was even going to make $1,000 online to cover my bills.
★ I was frustrated and scared and a perfectionist. I didn’t have any strategies or systems in place. I just knew I wanted the freedom that having an online business gave me. But after 3 months I felt like everything was falling apart.
★ I did $155K in Sales in 2020 and projected to earn $300K+ in 2021 while working less and living that freedom based life in Bali.
★ I became mega confident in sales, who it was I wanted to serve, and then how to actually ONE CALL CLOSE on sales calls.
★ Since then, I have been hitting consistent 5 figure months purely from relationship building, upleveling my authority online, visibility, and through my content.
★ I’ve helped dozens of women with sales strategy through my various methods to create consistent leads and income, all while ENJOYING THE JOURNEY.

It’s my mission to help you build a profitable online business that gives you the freedom to live your best life, and do it in a way that fits the lifestyle YOU WANT TO LIVE!
I want you to be able to sign clients consistently, without feeling icky, salesy, needy, or desperate.
We’ll help you do this by giving you the proper mindset, sales knowledge, tools, strategies, scripts, and support so that you’re no longer feeling overwhelmed wondering, “what’s wrong with me?” To feeling confident AF in sales so that you can sell your program like hot cakes!

TACTICS are throwing spaghetti at the wall in hopes that something will work. A new Instagram growth hack? A new way to beat the algorithm? Tactics don’t LAST.
STRATEGY is the tried and true game you’re playing. Strategy is not the quick fixes and hacks, but about the long game. We are building a LONG TERM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS.
If you truly want to build trust with your audience, it’s about consistency, connection, and value.
It’s about human connection and getting to know your audience on a SOUL LEVEL
When you connect and REALLY get to know your audiences pains and struggles, they will keep returning to you as a client, they will refer you to others, and you will stand out as a coach in this crowded space
What if you knew how to create mega impact and slay your sales in doing so?!

✓ 10 official LIVE InstaSALES Incubator Video Modules that will help you gain confidence + give you ACTIONABLE + IMPLEMENTABLE strategies to help you start slaying sales
✓ Access to the InstaSALES Incubator modules FOR LIFE
✓ Access to all of the BONUSES
✓ Access to the private Facebook Group to ask ANY and ALL questions

Ready to make it rain sales?
VALUE $10,000
Only $1500

The InstaSALES Incubator is a 10 week LIVE Group coaching program that starts in February.There is
a private Facebook Community where you can connect with like-minded boss babes and ask me
any and all questions!

Because you’re exhausted and overwhelmed trying to land clients and make SALES in this
saturated space and you just want FREEDOM and IMPACT!

All of the tools, systems, strategies, and confidence to build the business of your dreams
and make consistent income month after month!
Ready to finally
slay your sales
And build a profitable online business that gives you total freedom + impact?