Upgrade your marketing, messaging, and money mindset to attract exceptional clients consistently.
Less than 4 Hour Workdays.
Following my own unique Human Design Blueprint.
Feeling LIT UP by my Freedom Based Bali life. No lie.. I feel expansive every day. This is possible for you.
2 years ago I made the decision to go ALL IN with Instagram and use it as the CATALYST to ignite my coaching business. This decision resulted in a multi 6 figure business.
In scaling my femmepire over the past 2 years I’ve gone through MANYYY ups and downs. This year was particularly interesting as I studied lots of different methods and modalities and ways to do business (Human Design, NLP, feminine energetics, premium messaging, spirituality and more)
As a manifestor in Human Design, I follow my urges and I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. The downside to this is that it can cause some SERIOUS shiny object syndrome. It’s very fitting that I’m in a Mastermind literally titled “DITCH THE SHINY OBJECTS!” CAN YOU RELATE?!
“Wow she’s blowing up on Reels, I better get on that!”
“Or should I get over on Tik Tok?”
“Well she has a Facebook group…. But I don’t really like Facebook.”
“She’s super in her feminine. I need to be in more in my feminine. ”
“OMG SHE HAD A $100K MONTH! She quantum leaped! How do I quantum leap?!”
“Energetics? Or masculine strategy? What’s the secret”
Thankfully, not all the content you see on social media is FOR YOU. But you still wind up feeling overwhelmed anyways. You’re seeing others in your niche bring in clients and money effortlessly. MEANWHILE you’re creating so much content, on socials 24/7, buying all the courses, getting mentorship from 1-2 coaches, applying all of these different strategies but not really sure if it’s totally aligned.
You’re THIRSTY to know it all.
✦ You’re someone who is always expanding and growing.
✦ You desire to always be up leveling your mindset and your bank account.
✦ You love to learn. You’re a great client. YOU IMPLEMENT and get shit done.
✦ You’re literally a genius. You learn quick and believe in yourself.